Welcome to a Consideration for Thoughtful Political Change

This web page is not flashy. It is not full of flags and colors and the emotional rah rah of fiery political rhetoric resulting in nothing. It is humble and expresses an idea of thoughtful change. This idea is about freeing our elected officials from the burdens of massive campaign finance obligations. It is about minimizing loyalty to self and party over loyalty to constituents and the ideas of our Republic. It is about having as profound effect on our Republic as the founding fathers intended when they gave the government to us some two hundred and thirty two years ago. It is about using the tools they gave us in Article V of our Constitution to adjust and update our Constitution to better reflect our time and our hope for the future.

The effect of this proposal is not to be taken lightly simply because it appears to address a limited subject. The effect of this proposal will be massive. Imagine the possibilities when elected officials are able to debate and legislate based on the needs of their constituents and country rather than maneuvering to maintain their position of power and of hope for reelection. Imagine our Senators able to be the deliberative and wise body that was the intent of the original framers. Imagine our Representatives voting their conscious and experience rather than their party or campaign finance obligations. That is the intent of this proposal and it is with that intent that the author presents it here for your support.

About the author... Disregard the author. This idea is not about the author, or any individual really, it is about forming a more perfect Union. Be serious in your contemplations and deliberations and do not take amending our constitution lightly. That it is time to do so is clear so maintain the awe that is our Republic, engage in meaningful debate and support those who support this change.

To read the proposal click "Proposed Amendment" up to the left.
For an overview of the intent of each section of the proposed amendment click on "Discussion" and select "Intent Outline".